Autore Topic: The Forgotten Battle  (Letto 7205 volte)

Offline Nocera87

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The Forgotten Battle
« il: 6 Ottobre 2005, 23:41:51 pm »
Ciao Ragazzi, vi voglio presentare sta storia che ho scritto un pomeriggio,era un compito per scuola, ma mi è piciuta e ho deciso di pubblicarla in questo topic, ringrazio Manfry per i suoi spunti.

Grazie ManfrYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!    :lol:

Alcune fonti le ho prese da internet e sono vere. i personaggi sono inventati, i nomi dei clan sono veri. tutti gli avvenimenti storici sono finzione. ogni riferimento a personaggi o ad eventi è casuale.

Scusate, ma era un compito per la prof di inglese ergo.... :P

The Forgotten Battle

It’s a calm dawn, a thick mist arrives from the Lock Katrine, it’s 1st November, the grass of the highlands is still wet, Nick Mac Gregor, is outside of a caste with his daughter, Sophia, lying on a nude stone. He will never forget what had they seen that night.

Everything began on 28th October in Edinburgh, when they received the visit of a Lloyds’ lawyer. He announced them their aunt was dead and had reserved for them her wills.
Nick was widowed. His wife was dead two years before by cancer, he had really loved his wife; since that moment he and her daughter lived alone with their dog Spark.
The property of the aunt was an old caste on the highlands, Lanrick Caste, and they had to pass a night in the place to be sure to get the building.

Nick, Sophia, and the dog, arrived there in the midday of 31st October and were welcomed by the servants: an old chef, two maidservants and a house-steward. When they arrived to entrance, they immediately noticed the crowned lion surrounded by a belt on the keystone: the symbol of their family. On the belt, there was written: “ ‘S rioghal mo dhream “. A Gaelic inscription that means: “Royal is my race”.
Nick imagined when he was in front of a fireplace, and his grandfather was telling him the stories of the battles of his clan. He remembered that the same sentence was written on the book where his grandparent read from. He listened stories of battles, of murders, of princesses and of the glory of his family.
The hall was well adorned with pictures, table-candlesticks, and a rich lamp. They rode through the long passage surrounded by armours and portraits of members of the clan, reached their rooms and went down for lunch.

Beside the castle there was a graveyard where rested all the death members, most of the tombs had more than five hundred fifty years. In that period there ware long wars against the other clans, and in particular against the Duncan’s Clan. In front of the castle, they had been fought lots of battles, and many warriors are still buried under the green grass of the glade.
According to the legend it seems that on 31st October of 1605 A.D. was fought a great battle near the castle, where more than 15000 warriors dead. It was about the succession to the Scottish throne, and the Mac Gregor and his allied were defeated by Duncan Clan and the ones’. Duncan won the battle, because the Mac Gregors were betrayed by Alasdair Mac Gregor. He claimed himself innocent but was condemned and closed in a secret room where he dead of troubles. Since the day of his death it seems a ghost get up for a night each 200 years on 31st October, the date of his imprisonment.

Nick was feeding Spark, when Sophia called him for the dinner. It was night and the glade was blanketed by fog, but moon was visible in its splendour, there was a full moon. They went to bed and were followed by the servants, while the two maidservants were tidying the kitchen. Nick was falling asleep when he heard a scream. He got up and went to the door, opened it and saw a long wake of blood. He took his candle and followed it. He arrived in the kitchen where he met the body of a maidservant full of blood, with the eyes out of their eye sockets, without an arm and as deep wound on the side of the stomach. He was horrified but plucked up courage, he went to the room looking for his mobile phone, he met his daughter, but he saw nothing more.

Spark started to howl he was frightened. Nick found himself and Sophia in the glade in front of the castle. They were disoriented, and they fell lost. The ground started moving, arms and legs appeared from the grass, and later bodies. They were old soldiers who fought the battle 400 years ago. Nick could distinguish their kilts there were Mac Gregor and Duncan’s soldiers. After some minutes they started fighting: Mac Gregor versus Duncan. He heard: “Ard-coille” and the sound of a bagpipe. Nick was able to differentiate the camps, and saw a Duncan’s soldier come in the Mac Gregor’s camp, and exit with a paper: the plans of the battle. In this moment, the sound of a bagpipe got more intense and the saw a white figure on the edge of the castle. They could see their relative: Alasdair Mac Gregor, playing the bagpipe. He started to get near them, and told Nick: this in the truth, I’m innocent, go and tell the truth to the world.

The soldiers vanished in the air. It grew light. And Nick looked to the grass strangely untouched to have hosted a war. He and Sophia were stunned, both she and him have lived the strange night, and she was quite to cry. He lived again the events. Nick remembered the killed woman in the kitchen, he run in the caste and saw, the chef and the two maidservants get breakfast ready, while the house steward was in the dining room. He could realize she was alive. He looked for any traces of blood.  He lost some time looking for a reason, after he ended his thoughts saying that it was probably, his old relative wanted only to capture his attention.

Now he is the owner of the castle, and he is able to retrain Alasdair Mac Gregor, giving him an easy rest.

Che ve ne pare??
« Ultima modifica: 6 Ottobre 2005, 23:42:36 pm da Nocera87 »
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline Federico

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The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #1 il: 7 Ottobre 2005, 10:40:07 am »
Molto bello anche se non ho capito molto bene il finale... devo aver fatto un po' di confusione  :D  :P  :D  

Stasera rileggo tutto promesso!
...Quando ormai si vola non si può cadere più...

Offline Manfry

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The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #2 il: 7 Ottobre 2005, 16:26:39 pm »
Molto bella.... diciamo che hai scritto un horror veramente.... stavolta :D

Ho visto che hai preso spunto da qualche mia scena....  e ne sono felice... purtroppo il tempo era troppo poco.. in ogni caso hai fatto un OTTIMO LAVORO

Ps se un domani ci metti anche la traduzione.... ne saremo contenti....

Al prossimo compito di inglese... :D  

Non esistono né pregi né difetti, ma solo caratteristiche che ci rendono unici.

Offline Nocera87

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #3 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 05:17:27 am »
allora.... ricordandomi di questo topic postato una anno e mezzo fa... rispondo al desiderio di sem di leggere qualcosa di mio.... perdona se è in inglese... ma è un vecchio compito di quando ero al liceo.... se sei interessato..... buona lettura...
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline Young dreamer

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #4 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 11:02:29 am »
 o_O Una parola:WOW!!! o_O ;) (come mi entusiasmo quando riesco a capirci qualcosa... :-d :P)
E dopotutto ci sono tante consolazioni! C’è l’alto cielo azzurro, limpido e sereno, in cui fluttuano sempre nuvole imperfette. E la brezza lieve […]
E, alla fine, arrivano sempre i ricordi, con le loro nostalgie e la loro speranza, e un sorriso di magia alla finestra del mondo, quello che vorremmo, bussando alla porta di quello che siamo.
(Fernando Pessoa)       Blog:

Offline Emmy'94

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #5 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 14:39:38 pm »
ehm.... tradotto in italiano???? o_O o_O o_O o_O ^_^ ;) ;) =) =)
Nec spe, nec metu...

Offline Nocera87

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #6 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 16:08:29 pm »
ehmmmm in italiano dici???? o_O o_O o_O o_O......ehm..... secondo me perde tutto il fascino :P :P :P
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline kant.51

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #7 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 16:21:17 pm »
bella saga, nocera...qualche fantasma, un po' di atmosfera e il trionfo della verita'!
Ti affascina questo mondo, vero?
cKappa ^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*° Sì che ti voglio bene, bene davvero...

Offline Nocera87

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #8 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 20:38:18 pm »
una mia amica diceva: tradurre è tradire  :P :P :P :P
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline Emmy'94

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #9 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 21:34:02 pm »
ehmmm...... non potresti almeno fare un riassunto, tanto per capire cosa succede?  ^_^ o_O :"> :"> :"> :"> :"> :"> non vado molto bene in inglese... :"> :"> :"> :">
Nec spe, nec metu...

Offline kant.51

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #10 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 22:20:13 pm »
nocera, volevo proporti una traduzione, ma...non so se sono in grado! Certo non sono padrona della lingua tanto da apprezzare le raffinatezze del linguaggio, ho compreso il significato, ma devo sempre "tradurre" dentro di me...invece chi è padrone della lingua comprende direttamente, non so se mi spiego...
Comunque, la tua non sarà solo...pigrizia :P vero? :P :P :P
cKappa ^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*°^*° Sì che ti voglio bene, bene davvero...

Offline Nocera87

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #11 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 22:24:28 pm »
umh...... noooooooo :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-"
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline Manfry

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #12 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 22:35:02 pm »
beh, per darti un'idea... Emmy... molto in generale e tradotta alla buonissima... guarda qui

Non esistono né pregi né difetti, ma solo caratteristiche che ci rendono unici.

Offline Nocera87

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #13 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 22:39:41 pm »
è una traduzione mooooooolto alla buona..... cmq è incredibile cm da "zia" si passi a "scalfittura"... hihiihi   (wizard) (wizard) (wizard) (wizard)
La mia anima vaga col mare, la Casa delle balene,
vagando verso i più ampi angoli della Terra,
tornando più affamata di desiderio, volando solitario,
urlando, eccitandomi all'Oceano aperto,
rompendo giuramenti sulla cresta di un'onda.

Offline Manfry

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Re: The Forgotten Battle
« Risposta #14 il: 3 Luglio 2007, 22:40:14 pm »
eh, ovvio... dato che non ci sono volontari... hhehehhe :)

Non esistono né pregi né difetti, ma solo caratteristiche che ci rendono unici.